
With nearly twenty years of existence on the world wide web and no plans to retire any time soon, Africanhiphop.com remains one of the main points of reference for news, discussion & info on urban African music on the web. Since making money was never the prime goal here, we have always worked with volunteer contributions. Currently we are looking for new volunteer contributors to the site who are ready to commit themselves to helping expand the content section and forums.

We need content contributors as well as new moderators for the forums. Other skills such as radio making, graphic design or knowledge of WordPress or PHPBB are also welcome. These contributors can live anywhere around the world, as long as they fit the profiles below and are able to come up with unique African hip hop related content.

These are NOT paid jobs, if you respond to this call we assume that you are dedicated to the development of the pan African hip hop scene and want to contribute towards the growth of this site and the organization behind it.

Being part of the content team is certainly prestigious and will look good on your cv. Good contributors will grow along with our organization and will benefit from the network and opportunities that arise.
As a radio presenter or writer, you will have your own profile on the site and an author blog that highlights the content written by you.

If you’re interested to contribute, please get in touch using the contact form, explaining how you expect to contribute, and how you fit the profile. Each candidate will get a reply within a few days.

These are the profiles of our ideal candidates. If you do not fit the profile entirely, you may still respond.

Content contributors
-Writers, photographers and video makers
-Able to produce high quality content such as news updates, interviews etc. on African hip hop related issues
-Experience with publishing (mags, blogs etc)
-Language: English or French (if you speak Portuguese, Swahili or another language and think we should have a section in that language, please let us know)
-Writers must be GOOD with language, spelling, grammar etc. – we have no time to rewrite every text
-Prepared to write about different artists, NOT just friends or people you may already know
-Creating your own content, never copying from other sources unless in quoting
-Familiar with hip hop culture and appreciative of the conscious uplifting role hip hop can play in our societies
-Regular access to the internet and able to send or upload own content
-You can have your own site or blog but content produced for Africanhiphop.com is not just a promo or a link to your own site

African hip hop radio hosts
-Experience in working as a radio presenter and/or dj
-Ability to record your own hour-long (or longer) monthly slot on your own (semi-professional) equipment or using a radio studio
-Prepared to highlight different African hip hop artists in your region (also diaspora)
-Access to fresh music from the region you’re focusing on
-Language used in your show segment: English, French, Portuguese, Swahili or other
-Access to uploading to send us your contribution via the web (or post it on cd through snail mail)

Forum moderators and admins
-Familiar with the Africanhiphop.com forums
-Online at least a couple of days a week
-Willing to play an active role in monitoring and reshaping the forums
-Ready to play a neutral role in any arguments or disagreements between members
-Committed to being a mod for at least a year
Mods and admins will receive access to the ‘secret’ Moderators forum to discuss with the team

Use the contact form to share what you would like to contribute to the site:

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