Brand new video to ‘Celebrate’, one of the most catchy tunes off Daara J Family’s 2010 album ‘School of life’. Like the twist-inspired composition, the video is a throwback to the stylish dances of our parents’ generation.
More than just a nod to the renewed interest in everything fifties to seventies-stylish west African, we see a staged photo shoot, models walking around in short wax dresses that would impress on a modern catwalk and even Daara J Fam look like they never have before. The video must have also drawn inspiration from ‘Le jour d’apres’, Baloji’s take on ‘Independence cha cha’ which saw the rapper time traveling to a musical club back in the younger days of his (grand)parents:
Senegal-based director Lionel Mandeix has more interesting videos to his name including ‘Lu Tax‘ by Cheikh Lo, Duggy Tee’s ‘Teey la teey‘ and the collabo between Awadi, M1 (Dead Prez) and Bouba Kirikou.